The Origins Of Astronomy and Astrophysics

Ancient Astronomy

ancient cosmologies

A selection of ancient cosmologies. a) Ancient Egyptian Creation myth. The earth is the leaf adorned figure lying down. The sun and moon are riding the boats across the sky. b) Ancient Hebrew Conception of the universe c) Hindu: The earth was on elephants which were on turtles. (And of course a divine cobra)

(public domain images)

A Spherical Earth


The method of Eratosthenes for estimating the circumference of the spherical earth.

The Ptolemaic System

The Ptolemaic system

Title: Pioneers of Science

Ptolemy's Arrangement

Retrograde Motion



A basic epicycle scheme showing the earth (at center), the deferent, and a planet on its epicycle.



The equant is an offset from the deferent's center around which the epicycle will move with constant angular velocity.

Ptolemaic System

  1. We can't feel the motion of the earth.
  2. Humans are the best, and therefore should be at the center.
  3. No stellar parallax was observed.


parallax diagram

The relative position of near and far stars would appear to change if the earth was in motion due to parallax


From De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres), 1543. The copernican world view gets an illustration

Geocentric vs. Heliocentric

Positions of Celestial Objects

A page from Ptolemy's star catalog

The positions of the stars where recorded by constellation groups, with reference to the sun. Also included where the brightness's, ranked on a rudimentary 6 tier scale.

Ptolemy's catalog in 3d space

The Altitude-Azimuth Coordinate System

The altitude-azimuth measurement scheme. Only useful if everyone is located at the same point on the earth, which they are obviously not.

The Equatorial Coordinate System

RA and Dec are a more universal way to describe positions in the sky. Rather than the earth serving as the reference, the locations of celestial objects becomes the reference framework.

Basics of the earth's orbit


The north celestial pole is near the star called Polaris. (This changes though)

Celestial equator

Equatorial System

Here is some output from JPL Horizons database:

      Date__(UT)__HR:MN     R.A.__(a-apparent)__DEC  Azi____(a-app)___Elev
      2023-Jan-30 17:00 *m  20 51 55.49 -17 35 56.9  177.420437  31.609851
      2023-Jan-31 17:00 *   20 56 01.16 -17 19 16.2  177.366060  31.886346


Tool is here:


Deg Min Sec

Hours Min Sec


Special Times of the year

The Ecliptic


An Analemma Plot:

What is the lowest latitude from which all the stars of the big dipper are visible? Below which latitude is the big dipper never visible at all?


Solar vs. Sidereal Time

solar vs. sidereal time

Solar and Sidereal time compared. The earth has to rotate about 1 degree more for the sun reach the same point in the sky, than the rotation needed for the fixed stars to return to the same point.

Calculate the difference between solar and sidereal days. →

Julian Date

Easter over a few thousand years


  • Ptolemaic vs. Copernican
  • Position of Celestial Objects
  • Basics of Earth's orbit
  • Solar vs. Sidereal
  • Modern Timekeeping

Bibliography and Further Reading

  1. Kuhn, T The Copernican Revolution (Harvard University Press, 1957)
  2. Sobel, D. A More Perfect Heaven (New York: Bloomsbury Publishing USA, 2001)
  3. Copernicus - De revolutionibus orbium coelestium
  4. Ptolemy - The Almagest