
Which of the lights is closest? Which is the brightest? Which is the largest? It can be hard to tell.

Which of the lights is closest? Which is the brightest? Which is the largest? It can be hard to tell.

Geometric Optics


stellar parallax geometry

Diagram illustrating parallax due to the change in position of the earth along its orbit.

$$\begin{equation} d = \frac{1 \textrm{AU}}{\tan p} \simeq \frac{1}{p} \textrm{AU} \end{equation}$$

The parsec

We'll convert from radians to arcseconds:
1 radian = 57.2957795° = 206264.806"

Then, we'll make a new unit of distance called the parsec.
1 pc = 2.0624806 × 105 AU = 3.0856776 × 10^26 m.

$$\begin{equation} d \simeq \frac{206,265}{p''} \textrm{AU} \end{equation}$$ $$\begin{equation} d = \frac{1}{p''}\textrm{pc} \end{equation}$$

Light years

Cosmic distances

Object meters AU Light Year Parsec
Sun 1.496 × 1011 1 1.58 × 10-5 4.85 × 10-6
Pluto 7.5 × 1012 50.1 - -
Voyager 1 2.089 × 1013 139.6 - -
Proxima Centuri 4.014 × 1016 2.69 × 105 4.2 1.301
Center of Milky Way 2.3 × 1020 - 25,000 7,600
Andromeda Galaxy 2.4 × 1022 - 2.5 × 106 760000

Magnitude Scale

Ancient Magnitue Scale: 1 brightest -> 6 dimmest. This catalog is from the 1515 edition of Ptolemy's Almagest.

Apparent Magnitude

$m$ indicates how bright it looks to us. For the ancients, $m=1$ was the brightest star (not the sun). $m = 6$ was the dimmest visible star.

Describing Brightness

flux vs. luminosity

a) Luminosity is a measure of the entire output of the star. b) radiant flux is what we see as the brightness, since it depends on how far away the observer is.

The radiant flux above that reaches the earth from the sun was measured to be on average about 1361 W/m2 [ref] (This is above the atmosphere). What is the luminosity of the sun based on this measurement?

Absolute Magnitude

$$\begin{equation} \frac{F_2}{F_1} = 100^{\left( m_1-m_2 / 5 \right)} \end{equation}$$

Distance Modulus

$$\begin{equation} m-M = 5 \log_{10}(d)-5 = 5 \log_{10}\left( \frac{d}{10 \;\textrm{pc}}\right) \end{equation}$$

What is the absolute magnitude of the sun?

Light as a Wave

$$\begin{equation} c = \lambda \nu \end{equation}$$

Double Slit

double slit setup

The classic double slit setup

double slit geometry

The geometry of the double slit experiment.


Drawing showing how blue light will have a first maximum closer to the optical axis.


Electromagnetic Radiation is explained by oscillating electric and magnetic fields

The Poynting Vector

$$\begin{equation} \mathbf{S} = \frac{1}{\mu_0}\mathbf{E} \times \mathbf{B} \end{equation}$$

Radiation Pressure


$$\begin{equation} F_\textrm{rad} = \frac{\langle S \rangle A}{c}\cos \theta \label{eq:rad-pressure-absorption} \end{equation}$$

$$\begin{equation} F_\textrm{rad} = \frac{2 \langle S \rangle A}{c}\cos^2 \theta \end{equation}$$

Design a solar sail based propulsion system. The spacecraft has a mass of 100 kg and we would like an acceleration of 5 m/s2.

Solar Sail Examples


Near-Earth Asteroid Scout (NEA Scout), mission concept. Expected to launch in Dec 2019


The IKAROS mission.

By Andrzej Mirecki - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,


Light Sail 2.

Blackbody Radiation

$$\begin{equation} \lambda_\textrm{max} T = 0.0028977729 \;\textrm{m} \cdot \textrm{K} \label{eq:wiensdisplacement} \end{equation}$$

Orion Constellation

orion constellation stars color

The constellation Orion.

(From the Tycho 2 star map ref)

Stefan-Boltzmann equation

$$\begin{equation} L = A \sigma T^4 \end{equation}$$

or for a spherical star of radius $R$:

$$\begin{equation} L = 4 \pi R^2 \sigma T_e^4 \label{eq:sb-equation-star} \end{equation}$$
the sun's spectrum

Find the peak of the sun's spectrum using its Luminosity and Radius.

What's the blackbody radiation of a person? What color light do people emit? (i.e. find the peak wavelength for an average human.)

thermal image

A thermal image of a physicist.


Rayleigh-Jeans $$\begin{equation*} B_\lambda(T) \simeq \frac{2 c k T}{\lambda^4} \end{equation*}$$ Wien's approximation $$\begin{equation*} B_\lambda(T) \simeq \frac{2 h c^2}{\lambda^5}e^{\frac{- h c}{\lambda k T}} \end{equation*}$$

Experimentally, it was known that the following limiting conditions must apply.

  1. At a fixed temperature, the radiance approaches zero as the wavelength goes to zero.
  2. At a fixed temperature, the radiance approaches zero as the wavelength goes to infinity.
  3. At a fixed wavelength, the radiance approaches zero as the temperature goes to zero.
  4. At a fixed wavelength, the radiance approaches infinity as the temperature goes to infinity.

Wien's approximation satisfies the first three but not the last. Rayleigh-Jeans satisfies the last three, but not the first.

Planck function

$$\begin{equation} B_\lambda (T) = \frac{2 h c^2 / \lambda^5}{e^{hc / \lambda k T}-1} \end{equation}$$
planck rayleigh jeans wien

Comparing the three functions for a radiator with temperature of 0.008 Kelvin. Wien's approximation fails in the low frequency limit, while Rayleigh-Jeans fails in the high-frequency. Planck's function fits both!

Show that the maximum of the Planck function gives Wien's displacement